Walter, I'm so sorry I didn't make it to pray with you, I had plans this week to come and see you buddy. I'm so sorry that I couldn't make it. I love you so much, my world will never be the same without you Walter Brian Brooks. God knew he couldn't keep you hurting any longer. I knew that whenever I was having a bad day that I needed to go and find Walter, and that he would put a smile on my face&today. I don't know who to go to. You always yelled my names in the halls and told me how cute my outfits were, you knew a lot about me, and I knew a lot about you. I would even say i considered you one of my bestfriends. I never wanted anyone to hurt you, and when you fout out that someone hurt me, You would yell and scream in there face. When Janis made fun of me in Mr. P.'s class you would turn right around and make fun of her back. You were always there Walter, I am sorry that I didn't get to say Goodbye. NO ONE will ever take the place of you in my heart Walter, there is a piece that belongs to you, and I won't let anyone have it. You were my smiles, my laughter, and my happiness many years of my life. I don't know what else to say, I just wanted to let you know how much you were loved.
meat...I am so, so sorry.