Friday, October 9, 2009

OD on fridays.

My favorite verse for the week is:
Hebrews 11:1
"Faith is the confidence that what we hoped for will happen; it gives us assurance to things we cannot see."

So April showed me this verse while we were on the fall retreat, and all week I have been reading back to it, and memorizing it.
It has really helped me out with trusting God.. it's a good thing to go by in your life.


  1. Ahhh...totally my favorite verse in the bible. Wanna know why? It started because it was the first bible verse that I REMEMBER trying to memorize. I learned it from Bubbles the Clown at a church revival one year, I was obviously in children's church. Since then it has proven time and time again to hold me when I needed it to.
    In life, just because I can't SEE God or SEE the positive or SEE his hand in my life...doesn't mean it isn't there...I hope it is, there for I have FAITH that it is :)

  2. It has totally helped me through everything.. and look how it proved itself this time. :) Good thing I didn't learn about it from Bubbles the Clown.. I don't know if I would like it too much, haha.
