Monday, April 19, 2010

my famous prayer.

So this prayer, has been in and out of my head lately.. and I am really tired, and was just doing prayer time. And it popped back in my head. So I thought I would get it down, so I know the prayer always, and one day I can check and see what Gods will actually was in reguards to my prayer, he is amazing and I know that he will always come through, so I know that this will be interesting to come across one day, and see what God has done for this person.

God, I pray that you open the eyes of this person Lord, I pray that you guide them and direct them with your light. I pray that they will only follow your path, Lord I pray that you hold this person in their times of struggles, I pray that you lift them up, and help that to seek you above all things. Lord, show them the truth, show them that you only want what is best for them God. Show them that you love them, even when they feel like no one does, give them all that they need so that they don't have to search anywhere else. God I pray that you love this person, when they feel like no one else does. I pray Lord that you guard this persons life, and although they may run I pray that you put a wall around them to protect them. I pray that your will is carried out in their lives, and that they accept it willingly with an open heart. I pray that this will all be worth it.

So not only is it just one prayer for one person, but as I was writing it I realized that I can use it for many people.

:) if there is anyone that you care about, I am sure that this prayer will work for you too!